Education savings

Access Aspire Education Savings Resources

Children’s education savings accounts are a vital tool in boosting high school completion rates, increasing post-secondary education attainment, and reducing poverty. Research shows that saving for a child’s education is connected to improved child development, greater educational and career expectations, and future financial capability.

Participants received RESP education in 2022
RESPS were opened by 8 Aspire Calgary partner agencies in 2022

The LearnSmart program works to empower Canadian youth and young adults to open a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) and apply for the Canada Learning Bond (CLB ). Open an RESP today online in 10 minutes and access $500 up to $2000 of government funds to help pay for your post-secondary education.

Why are RESPs so important?

Education savings are linked to high school completion and higher academic performance, in part because they influence post-secondary expectations

Education savings influence post-secondary enrollment and completion

Post-secondary education is an inter-generational poverty reduction and prevention tool

Aspire and it’s partners work to raise the awareness of RESPs and the CLB, through sharing information directly with families, hosting information sessions, and offering follow-up support to families (such as obtaining ID or going to the bank).

Aspire partners running Education Savings programs

Are you or your organization interested in learning more and receiving training about RESPs? 

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